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Chakra balancing


Chakra balancing is based on the ancient Indian belief in a series of seven chakras, chakra test free  or energy centers. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. These energy centers are believed to be located at specific points between the base of the spine and the top of the skull. Some esoteric systems include additional chakras, said to extend beyond the physical body into the human auric field. Each chakra is believed to relate to particular organs of the body, ailments, colors, elements, and emotions. However, different systems or sources that use the idea of ​​chakras may disagree about the details. The concept of chakras plays a key role in two ancient Indian healing systems (ayurvedic medicine and yoga) that are popular today. In recent decades, however, many modern therapies (like polarity therapy, therapeutic touch, process acupressure, core energetics, and color therapy) have also incorporated the idea of ​​chakras into their own visions of healing. Various approaches may be used to "balance" the chakras. Chakra balancing is believed to promote health by maximizing the flow of energy in the body, much as a tune-up enables a car to operate at peak efficiency.




Chakras are part of the ancient belief system associated with yoga. These traditions were handed down orally for thousands of years before being codified by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras, several centuries before Christ.



The ancient healing science of ayurveda is based on a collection of scriptures known as vedas (a Sanskrit word meaning knowledge or wisdom). Ayurveda literally means "life knowledge." It remained the predominant form of health care in India until the British colonial government tried to suppress it during the nineteenth century. Over the last half-century, however, a modernized form of ayurveda has gained considerable popularity in India. More recently, traditional ayurveda has been popularized in the West by such high-profile advocates as Deepak Chopra.



Balancing the chakras is believed to promote general health and well-being by ensuring the free flow of life energy (also known as prana or qi) throughout the body. It is believed that blockages in the flow of this vital energy will eventually result in mental, emotional, and / or physical illness. By removing such blockages and maximizing energy flow, practitioners are said to enable body, mind, and spirit to function optimally. Some alternative practitioners, such as medical intuitives, say they can "read" a patient's chakras to detect imbalances and diagnose problems. This is also sometimes done using a pendulum.



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